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Female Infertility Treatment in Anchorage, AK

Infertility is defined as the inability to become pregnant after a year or more of attempting to conceive. If a woman in Alaska is over the age of 35, six months or more of trying to get pregnant may be an indicator of infertility. Women near Anchorage who are able to get pregnant, but can’t stay pregnant, could also be infertile.

Since 1994, Women’s Care of Alaska has provided comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for women in Anchorage, AK. We understand how overwhelming it can be to experience infertility. Our board-certified gynecologist are dedicated to answering any questions you may have and working with you to discover the best treatment for you and your growing family. For more information, contact our women’s health clinic in Anchorage, AK at (907) 279-2273 and schedule an appointment today!

The Pregnancy Process

In order for a pregnancy to be successful, each of the following four steps must occur:

  1. Ovulation: An egg must be released from one of the ovaries.
  2. Fertilization: A man’s sperm must combine with the females egg.
  3. Movement Through Fallopian Tube: The fertilized sperm must successfully travel through one of the fallopian tubes toward the uterus.
  4. Implantation: The fertilized egg has to attach to the inside of the uterus.

What are the Causes of Infertility in Women?

The female reproductive system is so complex that a large number of factors could affect a woman’s fertility.

Disrupted Ovulation

If the ovaries are not releasing an egg, there is nothing for the sperm to fertilize. In many cases, issues with ovulation are the cause of infertility in women. The most common causes of disrupted ovulation include:

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS occurs when a woman’s estrogen and progesterone levels are imbalanced. Over time, this causes small cysts to develop on the ovaries. This syndrome makes it difficult to get pregnant because it has the potential to stop menstruation.
  • Hypothalamic Dysfunction. Hypothalamic dysfunction occurs when when FSH and LH, the two hormones responsible for ovulation, become imbalanced. This can be caused by extremely high or low weight and severe stress.
  • Premature Ovarian Insufficiency. This occurs when a woman under the age of 40 experiences a decline in ovarian function. The results are similar to early menopause.
    Menopause. Menopause is the natural decline in ovarian function that typically occurs around the age of 50.

Fallopian Tube Swelling or Blockage

The fallopian tubes are responsible for carrying the fertilized egg to the ovaries. When the egg cannot move through the fallopian tubes, it cannot attach to the wall of the uterus.

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Typically caused by an untreated STI, pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection that affects the uterus and fallopian tubes.
  • Previous Pelvic Surgery. If surgery was performed on or near the fallopian tubes, especially in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, this disruption may lead to an increased risk of infertility.

Uterine Dysfunction

The uterus nurtures the fertilized ovum as it develops into a fetus and continues to do so until the baby is ready for birth. The most common uterine causes of infertility include:

  • Uterine Fibroids. Despite being mostly symptomless, these non-cancerous tumors can grow into the walls of the uterus and prevent a fertilized egg from attaching.
  • Endometriosis. The tissue that lines the uterus may begin to grow in other areas of the reproductive system. This condition often times results in ectopic pregnancies.

What Increases Risk of Female Infertility?

There are several contributing factors to a woman’s reproductive function. While some causes cannot be prevented, reducing or eliminating certain behaviors can potentially improve chances of becoming pregnant.

  • Age. Women over the age of 35 tend to have more fertility issues than those 34 or younger.
  • Smoking. The toxins in cigarettes can have a negative effect on reproductive health.
  • Alcohol Consumption. Studies have shown a link between heavy alcohol consumption and decreased female fertility.
  • Extreme Weight Gain or Loss. If a large amount of weight is gained or lost, especially in a short period of time, hormones levels can become imbalanced.
  • High stress. Over a period of time, high stress has the ability to affect hormone levels.

How is Female Infertility Tested?

Generally, the first step will be to determine if the woman is ovulating each month. This could be accomplished by using a home ovulation test kit, a blood test or even an ultrasound of the ovaries. If ovulation appears normal, the following tests are commonly performed:

  • Hysterosalpingography. This test uses an x-ray to determine if the fallopian tubes are open and allowing the egg to pass freely. In addition, your physician will be able to detect any abnormalities inside of the uterus.
  • Laparoscopy. A tiny camera will be inserted into a small incision in the lower abdomen in order for the doctor to observe the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. Your physician will also be able to see any scarring or evidence of Endometriosis.

What are the Treatment Options for Infertility?

The suggested treatment will depend on the the type of problem, the age of the woman and her personal preferences. Each woman is unique so not every treatment plan will be the same. The list below is far from comprehensive, but it introduces some of the most common forms of treatment.


Medications are useful in treating ovulation issues. Typically, they will attempt to regulate hormone levels. Women who take fertility drugs have an increased risk for delivering multiple children (twins, triplets, etc.)


While medication typically solves fertility issues, surgery is an option for women who have physical abnormalities in their reproductive system. A surgeon may be able to correct irregular uterine shape, remove fibroids and clear blocked fallopian tubes.

Reproductive Assistance

This treatment will achieve pregnancy through manipulation of the sperm and eggs. Some women choose to have intrauterine insemination performed. This is the processes of introducing millions of sperm directly into the uterus during ovulation. Other women will have an egg that has been fertilized in a lab placed into her uterus.

Schedule an Appointment for Infertility Treatment in Anchorage, AK

If you have tried to become pregnant for a full year with no success, it is time to seek help. There are multiple treatments available to both find the cause of your infertility and to correct the issue, but it all starts with a visit to Women’s Care of Alaska!

Discovering the cause of female infertility can be a long and emotional process, but Women’s Care of Alaska will be with you every step of the way. We will make it our goal to find the right solution for you and your growing family. For more information about treatment for infertility or to schedule an appointment, call Women’s Care of Alaska at (907) 279-2273 today!

Retirement Announcement

Congratulations to Katie Ulmer, FNP on her upcoming retirement! We will miss her almost as much as her patients will. We wish her the very best as she moves into this new adventure! You can still see her in the office until April 8, 2025. Learn more.
