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MonaLisa Touch®: A Novel Laser for Gynecologic Health

Millions of women experience changes to their gynecologic health that affect their personal lives as a consequence. MonaLisa Touch is a treatment for patients suffering from the symptoms of Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause, also referred to as Vulvovaginal Atrophy. Symptoms of GSM include: vaginal dryness, vulvar dryness, vaginal itching, painful sex (dyspareunia) and painful urination (dysuria).

MonaLisa Touch uses fractional laser technology to ablate small micro-columns of tissue. This leaves an ecosystem of healthy unaffected tissue to support rapid healing.
• Thousands of women have chosen MonaLisa Touch since 2012
• Fast: <10 minute in-office procedure
• Non-hormonal, chemical-free
• Virtually no downtime

If you are interested in the MonaLisa Touch® procedure, contact Women’s Care of Alaska in Anchorage, AK. Call our clinic at (907) 279-2273.

Retirement Announcement

Congratulations to Katie Ulmer, FNP on her upcoming retirement! We will miss her almost as much as her patients will. We wish her the very best as she moves into this new adventure! You can still see her in the office until April 8, 2025. Learn more.
