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Congratulations Dr. Counts & Cruz!

We are so proud of Doctor Counts and Doctor Cruz who have recently been earned COEMIG and COERS designations. At Women’s Care of Alaska, we strive to provide our patients with the highest quality medical care possible, and Dr. Counts and Dr. Cruz are shining examples of that.

Center of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology

Dr. Wynd Counts and Dr. Wendy Cruz, are proud to be recognized as Designees of the Center Of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology. The COEMIG Program, administered by the Surgical Review Corporation, focuses on improving the safety and quality of gynecologic patient care, and lowering the costs associated with successful treatment. It is designed to expand patient awareness of, and access to, minimally invasive gynecologic procedures performed by surgeons and facilities that demonstrate excellence in these advanced techniques. Physicians who are recognized, must meet the stringent criteria based on their expertise and experience.

Center of Excellence in Robotic Surgery

Dr. Wynd Counts and Dr. Wendy Cruz, are proud to be recognized as Designees of the Center Of Excellence in Robotic Surgery.  The COERS program, administered by the Surgical Review Corporation, was developed to recognize surgeons and hospitals, committed to excellence in robotic surgery.  They must demonstrate the ability to consistently deliver the safest, highest quality of care to robotic surgery patients, to improve their health and well-being.  To earn this designation, surgeons and hospitals partner together, and demonstrate their cross-organizational commitment, to all aspects of robotic surgical care.


Retirement Announcement

Congratulations to Katie Ulmer, FNP on her upcoming retirement! We will miss her almost as much as her patients will. We wish her the very best as she moves into this new adventure! You can still see her in the office until April 8, 2025. Learn more.
